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well in 2002 the US. had 10,416,818

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Q: What was the GDP of the European Union and the US in 2002?
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Is the US the biggest economy in the world?

The US is the biggest national economy of the world with a GDP of around $14.500 billions a year.However, the biggest economy of the world is the EU (European Union) with a GDP od around $16.200 billions a year.

How does the US' GDP compare with that of the rest of the world?

The nominal GDP of the US is the 2nd in the world (after the European Union). However, the GDP PPP (at purchasing power parity (which takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates which may distort the real differences in per capita income) is the 2nd in the world (after the European Union and China) and the GDP PPP per capita is the 10th in the world.

Is the US in the European Union?


Which European country has a higher per capita Gdp than the US?

noboy knows

Is it all right if the US join the European Union?

The European Union is an organisation for countries in Europe, so the US could not join. There are over 50 countries in Europe, 28 of which are members of the European Union. There is no reason why the US would even want to join the European Union. It would make no sense for them to do so.

When did the US join the Western European Union?

The United States never joined the Western European Union.

What is the Gross National Income of European Union?

The European Union has the largest economy in the world at US$16,242,256,000,000

Which has the largest popllation the US or the European union?

The European Union. The United States has a population of approximately 300 million. The total combined population of European Union member nations is about 500 million.

Are the US and European Union similar?

The USA is a country. The European Union is an organisation. It has 27 member countries, which are all independent countries. So there are many differences between the USA and the European Union.

How are the US and the European Union alike?

they both have common marketing

Which is bigger the us or the European union?

The European Union is an organisation, not a place, so it does not have a size to compare with. It does have countries as members and if you take the combined area of those countries then the US would be bigger.

What is the correct comparison between the European Union and US?

There isn't really a comparison. The US is one country, consisting of many states. The Europe Union is an organisation, that many countries are members of. It is more appropriate to compare the European Union to NAFTA.