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i think soccer balls were made of pig guts? so it musta been disgusting.


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Q: What was the Aztec ball game like?
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Where did the Aztec ball game originally came from?

where did the aztec ball game caome from

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Playing PatolliThe Aztec ball game

What is tlachtil?

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Did the ancient Aztec civilization the Olmec civilization the Inca civilization and the Maya civilization play the ball game to?

yes but the Aztec civilization started the ball playingand the other ancient civilizations just like the ball game so they started to play the ball game and some did it because of their religious beliefs and the Inca did not kill the team captain that but the other civilizations kill the team captain that lost

Did Aztec or Mayas play ball game with a rubber ball?

The mayans they called it pok ta top

Describe the Aztec game of ulama?

There is a rubber ball that it's heavy like a size of a head, The Aztecs had to use their hips, knees, and elbows to control the ball. There was no hands included in ulama.

What is ulama or Ullamaliztli?

It is a game played by the Aztec, it is played with a rubber ball and is very difficult.

What was an ancient Aztec game that was played with a ball and hoop?

Ulama. it is a game the Aztecs played about 3,000 years ago.

Was there a different game that the Aztec played?

no they mostly played a game of ball where they hit the ball 27 feet into the air and the thing that they hit it in is normally a snake or a monkey

What did Aztecs do for games?

They had a game called Ullamaliztli."Ullamaliztli, the famous Aztec ball game, was played on a tlachtli ball court (the game is sometimes referred to as Tlachtli). The ball court was one of the first things built when the Aztecs settled a new area, making it the most important of the ancient Aztec games. It was a very difficult game played with a large rubber ball (the name of the game comes from the word ulli, or rubber). The game was not just important for entertainment, but also politics and religion."From

What was the name of the Aztec game that used a rubber ball and the players could not use their hands?

its called pot-o-tock

When did Aztec - video game - happen?

Aztec - video game - happened in 1982.