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On the Union Army was the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the first official black unit that was commanded by white officers. This Infantry Regiment led by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw made history fighting very hard in the failed attempt to capture Fort Wagner, where Shaw and more than half of the Regiment died. This heroic feat triggered the recruitment of many black soldiers into the Union Army, which was an important step forward in their integration.

Contrary to popular belief, the 54th Massachusetts was not the first Negro regiment that fought in the US Civil War. They are predated by others, including the very first African American regiment, the 1st Louisiana Native Guard. They mustered into Federal service in September 1862. The 54th would not enter until May 1863.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The 54th was the only all African American Union regiment in the civil war. They led an assault on Ft. Wagner, SC in 1863 and most of the men died as a result. A good movie on this is GLORY with Denzil Washington.


Only to point out that:

Before the 54th (colored) Massachusetts, the 1st Louisiana Native Guard was formally admitted into the United States Army on Sept. 27,1862.

Furthermore, 166 black regiments were formed during the war. As an appendage to the regimental title all became US. Colored Troops.

Therefore the 54th was not the only all black regiment in the Civil War.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the 54th Massachusetts was a group of the union civil war. They were back men who wanted to stop black slavery.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A group of African American soldiers recruited in the north during the civil war

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