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Q: What was the 1st permanent English settlement in N America called?
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Where was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas establish?

Virginia its called Jamestown

Where was the first permanet English settlement in Americas established?

The first permanent English settlement in the Americas was established in Virginia. It was called Jamestown.

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Recognized for his part in the establishment of the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, he led the Virginia Colony from September 1608 to August 1609.

What was the first permanent English settlement called what year was it found?

Jamestown, founded in the colony that became Virginia in 1607

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France built its first North American settlement in what is now called Florida.

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established in?

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. It was originally called James Fort and had to be abandoned several times. It was renamed James Towne in 1619.

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How did French settlements in America differ from the English and Spanish settlements?

France built its first North American settlement in what is now called Florida.

How did French settlements in the America's differ from the English and Spanish settlements?

France built its first North American settlement in what is now called Florida.

What was the first permanent French colony in North America?

The first permanent French settlement in North America was Tadoussac, Quebec, settled in 1600. Quebec City was founded in 1608.

How did Virginia become the largest English colony in North America?

Virginia became known as the largest English colony because it was the first successful settlement. It was because of their governor (I think that's what he was) made sure nobody slacked off. This settlement was named after the king, it was called Jamestown.