catal hoyuk
Provence is the land of artists because artists have been painting there since prehistoric times. Some famous artists associated with Provence are: Vincent van Gogh Pablo Picasso Claude Monet
The music industry has been going for so many years that it would be almost impossible to say how many artists it has produced.">">The music industry has Produced a different number of artists to the number of artists it has supported. Someone produced (or manufactured) would be Justin Bieber, someone supported would be blur.
Cave and rockwall paintings of the animals around them and of their handprints and hunts. Rudimentary necklaces and scratch decorated bone articles. They also produced beautifully crafted flint or obsidian tools to help them hunt and prepare food.
Yes it was on a chapter in a Art history class
Christina Aguilera has produced her own music however there was nothing noted on her producing the music of other artists. She has produced most of her own music since being in court battles with her previous manager.
Fossils are produced by a combination of heat pressure in the earth crust. Prehistoric plants and animals created fossil fuels.
Unlikely...The music the artists you listed are produced for the main stream.