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George Bush told America it was nessecary to invade Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction, but apparently, those weapons were never found. Others think Bush actually invaded Iraq for oil. Saddam Hussein was changing excess petrodollars into petroeuros so the army invaded Iraq and took over the oil again

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Control of oil supply.

A:U.S. President George H. W. Bush in August 1990 sent in troops to stop the invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The war was stopped on a cease fire, which meant that if Saddam Hussein did not meet certain requirements, including human rights violations and destruction of dangerous weapons, the US had the right to restart the war and force the agreed to actions.

During the eight years of the William Clinton administration, America was bullied by Saddam Hussein and did not follow through with inspections or stopping human rights violations. Although it was know that Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in 1988, and had been trying nuclear weapons, he offered no proof that the weapons had been destroyed or that he had stopped his nuclear pursuits.

Our invasion of Iraq was not based on a public relations drive; it was based on Public Law 107-243, otherwise known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, passed by the 107th Congress in October of 2002 . (Herein referred to as the "Authorization".) It passed the House with a vote of 296 to 133 (by 69%) and the Senate with a vote of 77 to 23 (by 77%), including 58% of Senate Democrats. In short, it was overwhelming; it was bipartisan; and it was law.

The Authorization has 23 "whereas" clauses, or reasons to justify military invasion, only some of which mention Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

The Duelfer Report noted that 53 chemical weapons were found post-invasion. That number later grew to over 500 chemical weapons.

What about biological and nuclear programs?

"Initially, Saddam chose to conceal his nuclear programin its entirety, as he did with Iraq's BW [Biological Warfare] program. Aggressive UN inspections after Desert Storm forced Saddam to admit the existence of the program and destroy or surrender components of the program. In the wake of Desert Storm, Iraq took steps to conceal key elements of its program and preserve what it could of the professional capabilities of its nuclear scientific community."

The invasion of Iraq was arguably the most justified case of military action the US has ever taken in its history, based on national defense, validated intelligence and legal authority, not to mention morality. Articles of impeachment would have made more sense if Bush had not invaded.

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8y ago

Iraq had a growing nuclear program.

Iraq planned to invade Iran.

Iraq had weapons of mass destruction

Iraq was harboring terrorists.

All of which were false

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13y ago

Iraq was making weapons of mass destruction, and had chemical and biological weapons

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11y ago

the [infamous] 'weapons of mass destruction'; plus, Saddam Hussein tried to kill his 'daddy'

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Q: What was president bushs justification for going to war with Iraq?
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