Telescope, adding machine, flush toilet, submarine, thermometer, pocket watch, printing press, architectural techniques, microscope, reading glasses.
That's all I know.
To add to this answer I would say that the foundation of modern banking was created.
During the renaissance 15th- 16th century
During the Renaissance, artists rediscovered and perfected perspective. There was a focus on giving forms realistic shapes, and modern oil paint was invented.
Salvino D'Aramto invented the eyeglasses in 1284.
The harpsichord was a popular instrument during the Renaissance.
The Pope was in charge of the church during the Renaissance. Throughout the Renaissance, there were several popes.
Sometime during or after the Renaissance. Definately not before the Renaissance.
The quadrant was invented during the renaissance, around the 15th century.
Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese and came to Europe by the 1200's. So, it was used well before the Renaissance.
During the renaissance 15th- 16th century
marainer's compas
No, the compass was not invented during the Renaissance. The compass was invented in China during the Han Dynasty in around 206 BC. It later spread to Europe through trade routes and became widely used during the Age of Exploration in the 15th century.
During the Renaissance, artists rediscovered and perfected perspective. There was a focus on giving forms realistic shapes, and modern oil paint was invented.
Among many others, the drum, saxaphone, electronic organ
The Answer is true.
crossbows, swords, and bows & arrows. gunpowder was not invented yet.
Lots of things, like teleporters and 3D printers, and Virtual Reality, and the Internet.
I'm pretty sure glasses and the printing press were invented. I think some other things as well. clocks,gunpowder, and the too. Colin is cool, that's me! the list of some of the things that were invented during the renaissance era: .flush toilet .clocks .gunpowder .glasses .printing press .telscope and a lot more