Grace Kelly's favorite color was reportedly green. She was often seen wearing green in her public appearances and it was said to be her preferred color. Green is associated with qualities such as balance, harmony, and growth, which may have resonated with her personal style and demeanor.
WWE Superstar 'Kelly Kelly's' favorite color is purple and navy blue.
light blue
Pink And Blue
they are kell and meggy
The Jacksonville Jaguar from Jacksonville,Florida
Well, honey, Grace Hopper's favorite color was probably the rainbow because she was a trailblazer in the world of computer science and broke through all kinds of barriers. But if you want a more straightforward answer, there's no concrete evidence of her favorite color, so we can only guess.
Light blue or bright green she thinks they are both a soothing relaxing colors
her favorite drink was sex, because she drinked while she has sex with her husband....