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He wants to destroy the monster. -Apex

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Lvl 7
3y ago
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Lvl 6
3y ago

he wants to escape the consequences of his choices

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Rae Beahan

Lvl 10
2y ago

He wants to escape the consequences of his choices.

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Owen Leannon

Lvl 10
2y ago

He wants to destroy the monster. -Apex

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15y ago

In a word, hubris. He felt that the creation of life was the pinnacle of scientific achievement, as it was the realm of God.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

He wants to destroy the monster

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Lvl 1
3y ago

he want to destroy it

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What first gave the monster a sense of pleasure in Frankenstein?

Seeing Safie and her family and how they had love in their family.

Did Frankenstein make a second monster?

Frankensteins monster was not actually a monster. Although some of the things he may have done were wrong, deep down inside all he wanted to do was to be loved and to help the living. a quote from the book proves this.

How does victor Frankenstein feel about his creation?

In the book, Victor made his monster to be beautiful... and then it came alive. After running from it and falling asleep, he wakes to find the monster reaching for him, and he believes the monster is trying to attack him. from then on, he loathes it with all his being. he feels hate, fear, and a sense of loss, because he made this creation and left it. It destroyed everything he loves, his servant, his brother, and finally, his wife! It justifies this action by saying that all he ever knew was hate. "how dare you sport thus with life?" Victor now hates the monster, all he can think is kill... kill... He is consumed with his hatred, and this leads to his death.

What are the differences between Victor Frankenstein and the monster in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein?

Victor grew up with a loving family who cared for him while the monster was deserted by victor to fight for himself, victor acts as more of monster than the creation, the monster is self educated/learned from watching DeLacey's (p 99 "My days were spent in close attention, that I might more speedily master the language…") and Victor was taught in school (p 28 "When I had attained the age of seventeen my parents resolved that I should become a student at the university of Ingolstadt"), Victor loved and was loved but the monster never experienced anything but societies hatred toward him.

Who was first offered the role of the monster in Frankenstein but turned it down?

Bela Legosi was first offered the role

Related questions

How long have people been seeing the loch ness monster?

the first reported sighting was in 1933.

What first gave the monster a sense of pleasure in Frankenstein?

Seeing Safie and her family and how they had love in their family.

Why is Frankensteins face green?

Well, Frankenstein's monster's face is actually described as an unhealthy gray color in the book. In order to make the first movie they had to paint the actor green to make the appearance of the right gray on the black and white televisions. It seems to have stuck, and now Frankenstein's monster is green.

Who was Frankensteins mother?

Dr. Frankestein never had any children. He was engaged to marry Elizabeth but the monster killed her.

Did Frankenstein make a second monster?

Frankensteins monster was not actually a monster. Although some of the things he may have done were wrong, deep down inside all he wanted to do was to be loved and to help the living. a quote from the book proves this.

Who is the first that God made?

Adam was the first human, and Eve followed soon after.See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom

Where is the Jewish and Christian creation story found?

The narrative is in the first passages in the Book of Genesis. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom

What was the first Monster High?

The first episode of monster high is called New Ghoul at school.

Who was the first one on earth?

Adam was the first human, and Eve followed soon after. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom

Who scored the first goal at Tate Rink at West Point?

Vin McDermott. I don't think he graduated but I remember seeing him play there. He was a monster on the ice but had an incredible set of hands.

What was Dr. Frankensteins first name?

Victor (he was a scientist not a doctor)Victor Frankenstein is a Swiss fictional character the protagonist of the 1819 novel Frankenstein.

What was first created?

The entire universe including this Earth, but (as yet) without living things. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom