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Ceylon, it changed to Sri Lanka in 1972

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Q: Sri lanka was formerly known as what?
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"le Sri-Lanka" formerly known as Ceylan

What name was sri lanka formerly known by?


What nation is sri lanka found?

Sri Lanka was formerly known as "Ceylon", and is the large-ish island off the east coast of India.

What island lays SE of India and was formerly known as ceylon?

Sri Lanka.

What is the name of the island nation southeast of India?

Sri Lanka is the island nation southeast of India. Maldives is the island nation southwest of India.

What is the capital of the island country once known as Ceylon?

Colombo (although Ceylon is no longer the official name of that country)

What is the name the island nation southeast of India?

Sri Lanka. Capital Colombo. Formerly known as Ceylon and famous for tea production--Ceylon teaIt is Sri Lanka.

What is the island off the southern coast of the country of India?

The nation is Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon).Sri Lanka's political capital is Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, a suburb of the commercial capital Colombo, which is the country's largest city.

What country was sri lanka formerly knows as?


What country was once Ceylon?

Sri-lanka --------------------------------------------- The answer above is sort of correct. Ceylon is now called Sri Lanka after its independence from Great Britain. ( In 1972 I believe ). As to where it is it's just off the south eastern tip of India. And having seen a lot of Sri Lanka it's a beautiful country.

What is the industry in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is best known for it's tea.

What was the formal name of sri lanka?

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (commonly known as Sri Lanka