His father was also called Isaac, and his mother was Hannah Ayscough before her marriage. Isaac senior died before his son was born, and Hannah remarried, to a vicar called Barnabas Smith, with whom she had three more children, Benjamin, Mary and Hannah. Isaac Newton did not marry.
The Prism Experiment!
Isaac Newton was the only child of his father (also named Isaac Newton), who died 3 months before his son's birth. His mother Hannah remarried when Isaac was only three years old. She had three more children Benjamin, Mary and Hannah, his half brother and sisters to whom Sir Isaac Newton subsequently left most of his property.
General Isaac Brock had 9 brothers and 3 sisters. Them being:ElizabethRebeccaJohnFerdinandPeter HenryDaniel De LisleWilliamPeterElizabethFrederickthen IsaacMarySaveryIrving
Sir Isaac Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, England.
Sir Isaac Newton studied the nature of things.
The Newton Meter
"Sir." He was knighted.
His Nationality is English.
1665 September
The Prism Experiment!
Yes.Abdul latif Hajano
laws of motion
He discovered gravity?