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Uniforms did not exist back then because soldiers wore armour. The equipment of Romans soldiers was:

A helmet (galea or cassis)

One of three types of armour: the lorica hamata (mail armour), the lorica squamata (scale armour) or the lorica segmentata (armour with overlapping iron plates)

Arm protectors (manica) made of segmented armour.

Greaves to guard the legs made of metal sheets

A shield (the scutum)

Heavily soled shoes/sandals (caliga).

Their other clothes were:

A tunic

A sword belt (balteus )

Trousers in colder regions (bracchae)

Underpants (subligaria)

A skirt of leather or fabric strips to protect the upper legs (pteruges)

An apron: decorated metal plates in front of the groin which protected against blows which might cut the belt.

A scarf to protect neck from helmet (focale)

One of two types of cloak, the sagum or the paenula

Their wepaons were a short sword (the gladius), two javelins (pila) 6 darts (pumbata) and a dagger (pugio). later, a log sword (spatha) was also introduced.

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Q: What uniform did Roman soldiers wear?
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