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Q: What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned in the story 'The Necklace'?
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What efforts were made to find Mme Forestiers necklace?

In an attempt to find Mme Forestier's necklace, Mathilde and her husband retraced their steps at the party, checked their clothes, and even visited the police station and pawn shops. They also posted advertisements offering a reward for its return, but their efforts proved unsuccessful.

Should Mme.Forestier return the velue of original necklace and replacement she received by Mme.Llisel. in The Necklace by Guy De Mau?

No, Madame Forestier should not return the value of the original necklace and the replacement received from Madame Loisel in "The Necklace." Madame Loisel borrowed the necklace in good faith and returned a replacement, not knowing that it was a different necklace she was returning. Madame Forestier's actions carry some responsibility for what transpired.

What you would do if you were madame forestier in the story the necklace?

If I were Madame Forestier in the story "The Necklace," I would have been more understanding and empathetic towards Mathilde when she returned the borrowed necklace. I would have reassured her that the necklace was actually a fake, preventing the years of hardship that Mathilde endured due to her assumption that it was real.

What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned?

Mme. Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned was one of anger. She was not pleased that it took so long to get back because she may have needed to wear it sooner.

Madame Forestier will sell the diamond necklace and return the Loisels' money?

No, Madame Forestier lied about the necklace being real and told Mathilde it was only costume jewelry. The Loisel's spent years paying off the debt they incurred to replace the necklace, not knowing its true value. Madame Forestier never sold the necklace or returned any money to the Loisels.

What is the main idea of the story the necklace?

complains about being poor gets dress for 400 f. barrows necklace from rich friend goes to ball get a cab after losses necklace get new necklace to replace 1o years go by. finally pays dept. really poor now changes feelings about being poor. love herself and husband now finds out diamond necklace was fake

What is ironic about the ending of the story full circle?

The ironic twist at the ending of "Full Circle" is that the protagonist ends up right back where he started despite all his efforts to break free from the cycle of repetition. The story comes full circle, reinforcing the idea that some things are inevitable and cannot be escaped.

What happened to Cherry in the giants necalace?

The Giants Necklace is a novel written by Michael Morpurgo. The character Cherry in the novel dies by falling off a cliff. She was not aware she had died and her ghost returned home.

Is Lindsay Lohan being falsely accused of stealing a necklace?

Sure is. Below are the legal arguments which prove that Lindsay Lohan is being falsely accused of stealing a necklace: The Associated Press reported "Sofia Kaman said she waited a day to report the necklace stolen because Lohan had told her she would return the next day to purchase a ring. The actress never returned. The first time Kaman saw Lohan since the Jan. 22 store visit was Friday. Kaman says she did not have any agreement with Lohan allowing her to leave the store with the necklace." According to Sofia Kaman's testimony, she never suspected that Lohan stole the necklace at all on the day Lohan is alleged to have taken it or she should not have allowed Lohan to leave the store with the necklace on or should have reported to the police right after Lohan left the store. It was TACIT AGREEMENT on Kaman's part that Lohan could leave the store with the unpaid necklace since Kaman testified that she did not report to the police right away because Lohan told her she would return the next day to purchase a ring. It is totally inappropriate for Kaman to falsely accuse Lohan of stealing the necklace when she had tacitly allowed her to leave the store with it based on the promise that she would return to the store to buy a ring. It is wrong that the store management would falsely accuse her of stealing the necklace she was tacitly allowed to leave the store with based on her promise of returning to buy a ring.

What is the summary of the necklace by guy de maupassant?

Basically it's about this woman's greed and how she completely takes advantage of her husband, spending money on gowns and the sort. Then she asks her friend for some jewelry, she decides on this necklace and was so happy, then she ended up losing it, and instead of telling her friend she had lost it they spent all they money buying a replacement. Years later she is working as a maid, having lost her middle class status and she found her old friend. There she told her that the necklace as a fake, whereas the one she had replaced it with was a real one. Then she goes off and blames her friend for all her troubles and the current position she was in, when if she had just admitted she had lost the thing, she would have been fine.

What happen to Zoey and James?

I remember watching that episode and Zoey was avoiding him because she was feeling guilty because she thought about Chase and she didn't want to hurt James' feelings. James eventually got the confession out of Zoey and he returned a necklace to her and they broke up.

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He only had 1 girlfriend when he was about 13-14. Her name was Kasey, he bought a necklace for her, when they broke up, she returned it to him, from what I heard. As for now they don't have contact... And he doesn't have a girlfriend.