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"shock treatment."

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Q: What was Electroconvulsive therapy first called?
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Related questions

What risk is involved in electroconvulsive therapy?

Electroconvulsive therapy is safe and effective.

What has the author Max Fink written?

Max Fink has written: 'Electroconvulsive therapy' -- subject(s): Electroconvulsive therapy, Mental Disorders, Therapy

Is Electroconvulsive therapy controversial?

Electroconvulsive therapy is among the most controversial of all procedures used to treat mental illness

Can you die from electroconvulsive therapy?


When is electroconvulsive therapy used?

When depression fails to respond to treatment or when there is a high risk of suicide, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) sometimes is used.

What type of mental illness is electroconvulsive therapy used to treat?

Electroconvulsive therapy-- This type of therapy is used to treat major depression and severe mental illness that does not respond to medications.

When was electroconvulsive therapy first used to treat psychiatric patients?

Electroconvulsive therapy was first introduced in 1938 by the duo of Italian neuropsychiatrists Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Benni. It was a widespread form of treatment throughout the 1940s and 1950s.

Who famous was helped by electroconvulsive therapy?

Janet Frame

Where can you get electroconvulsive therapy in MD?

I got it at St. Joseph's Hospital in Towson, Maryland.

Who developed electroconvulsive therapy?

Two Italian doctors named Cerletti and Bini

Is electroconvulsive shock therapy still used to treat severe depression?

yes it is.

What does the medical abbreviation ECT mean?

ECT in medical terms means electroconvulsive therapy.