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(d) apex

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Moshe Kunze

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 6mo ago

Chemical equations use symbols to represent chemical reactions. These symbols typically include chemical formulas of the reactants and products, as well as symbols for states of matter and reaction conditions.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

All of the symbols used in chemical equations are up on the Periodic Table. I hope that helps.

Actually there are a number of additional symbols used besides those found on the periodic table. Some of these include:

(s) means the substance is in a solid state

(g) means the substance is in a gaseous state

(l) means the substance is in a liquid state

(aq) means the substance has been dissolved in an aqueus solution (which is to say, water)

→ means "yields" and is used to indicate the result of the reaction.

↔ means that the reaction is reversible

↑ indicates a change of state (into a gas)

↓ indicates a precipitate formed by a reaction

∆ (over the reaction arrow) indicates the application of heat to the reactants

In addition, other factors may be noted above the reaction arrow such as the specific temperature, the catalyst required, the pressure needed, the application if electricity etc.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ac Actinium

Ag Silver

Al Aluminum

Am Americium

Ar Argon

As Arsenic

At Astatine

Au Gold

B Boron

Ba Barium

Be Beryllium

Bh Bohrium

Bi Bismuth

Bk Berkelium

Br Bromine

C Carbon

Ca Calcium

Cd Cadmium

Ce Cerium

Cf Californium

Cl Chlorine

Cm Curium

Co Cobalt

Cp Copernicium

Cr Chromium

Cs Cesium

Cu Copper

Db Dubnium

Ds Darmstadtium

Dy Dysprosium

Er Erbium

Es Einsteinium

Eu Europium

F Fluorine

Fe Iron

Fm Fermium

Fr Francium

Ga Gallium

Gd Gadolinium

Ge Germanium

H Hydrogen

He Helium

Hf Hafnium

Hg Mercury

Ho Holmium

Hs Hassium

I Iodine

In Indium

Ir Iridium

K Potassium

Kr Krypton

La Lanthanum

Li Lithium

Lr Lawrencium

Lu Lutetium

Md Mendelevium

Mg Magnesium

Mn Manganese

Mo Molybdenum

Mt Meitnerium

N Nitrogen

Na Sodium

Ne Neon

Nb Niobium

Nd Neodymium

Ni Nickel

No Nobelium

Np Neptunium

O Oxygen

Os Osmium

P Phosphorus

Pd Palladium

Po Polonium

Pb Lead

Pt Platinum

Pr Praseodymium

Pm Promethium

Pu Plutonium

Pa Protactinium

Ra Radium

Rb Rubidium

Re Rhenium

Rf Rutherfordium

Rg Roentgenium

Rh Rhodium

Rn Radon

Ru Ruthenium

S Sulfur

Sb Antimony

Sc Scandium

Se Selenium

Sg Seaborgium

Si Silicon

Sm Samarium

Sn Tin

Sr Strontium

Ta Tantalum

Tb Terbium

Tc Technetium

Te Tellurium

Th Thorium

Ti Titanium

Tl Thallium

Tm Thulium

U Uranium

Uub Ununbium

Uuh Ununhexium

Uun Ununnilium

Uuo Ununoctium

Uup Ununpentium

Uuq Ununquadium

Uus Ununseptium

Uut Ununtrium

Uuu Ununumium

V Vanadium

W Tungsten

Xe Xenon

Y Yttrium

Yb Ytterbium

Zn Zinc

Zr Zirconium

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A common reaction is written as:

Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)--> NaCl (s)

Where it is necessary to include the Charges of each atom along with the single direction arrow because of this reactions' intermolecular forces wanting to sustain the solid form.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Symbols are used for the graphical representation of a chemical reaction.

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago
S-solid L-liquid G-gas AQ-aquinos
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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago
s-solid l-liquid g-gas aq-Aqueous**Β 

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The chemical symbols for the elements are on the periodic table.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

# (s) for solid
# (l) for liquid
# (g) for gas
# (aq) for aqueous

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βˆ™ 11y ago

for 2 thing not more

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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