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Q: What us the value of a 1964 browning auto 5 shotgun?
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What is the age and value of a Belgium browning 16 ga standard weight on 90 percent finish with pad and a ribbed and solid barrel serial?

There is no way to age your browning auto-5 shotgun without a serial number.As to the value,this would be 450 dollars for a shotgun in the condition that you describe.I can say that the Browning auto-5 standard weight shotgun in 16gauge was made from 1946-1964.

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your browning model auto-5 shotgun is valued at between 375-650 dollars.

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What is value of browning 16 gauge belgium?

you would need to include if the shotgun in question is a sweet-sixteen auto-5 shotgun,or a browning side by side,or a standard weight auto-5 shotgun and the condition of your shotgun to get a accurate value .

What is the date of manufacture of my browning semi-automatic 4V 56630?

Your browning magnum auto-5 shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1964.

Browning semi auto shotgun 72G10673 value?

50-500 usd

What is the value of a Browning auto 5 lightweight shotgun?

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50-500 usd

Value of a Browning auto 5 12 gauge shotgun 1928?


How much would a belgium browning 12gauge automatic sell for?

Depending on age and condition of your browning semi-auto shotgun?You will find the value ranging between 350-550 dollars for your browning auto-5 shotgun.

What is the value of a Browning auto 5 numbered 70v72783?

Your browning auto-5 shotgun which was made in 1970 is valued at between 375-550 dollars.

What is the manufacture date of a Browning shotgun serial number 4G 37271?

Your serial number indicates that you have a Browning light weight model auto-5 shotgun that was made in the year 1964.