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fire, ice, poison, flying, or bug types

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Q: What us the best Pokemon to beat Serperior with?
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in the spear pillers pailkia or diagia will be there standing after you beat the Pokemon league go to rout214 then you will see a path and remember to bring a Pokemon that can us rock climb an rock smash hope this helps

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When does Pokemon Black and White best wishes come out in the US?

March 6th

What Pokemon do all of us need to beat alder in Pokemon white?

I prefer you use Reshiram or Zekrom or level 100 pokemon. You could also use big legendary pokemon like Dialga,Palkia and Girantina and so on. Or level 90's.

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Where can you get Pokemon Platinum?

you can buy it at best buy,e.b games, future shop,toys r us and online.

Were can you buy Pokemon Platinum?

Best Buy- $35.00 GameStop- $35.00 Toys R Us- $ 35.00 JA