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The Pacific plate is on the left and The North American plate is on the right. The Pacific plate is moving in a northwesterly direction while the North American plate is moving Southwest This is a conservative plate boundary where pressure is being built up and at any point one plate can jerk and release all this energy in the form of shockwaves.

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13y ago

California contains two different plate boundaries! The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting under the North American plate at the northern part of California, so this is a convergent plate boundary. The San Andreas Fault is part of a transform boundary that runs from the edge of the Juan de Fuca plate down through California to the Salton Sea.

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12y ago

convergent! :)

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Q: What type of plate boundary is California?
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The plate boundary that is found along the coast of California is the San Andreas fault system that runs in a northwest- southwest direction I think that's the answer

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The boundary between the Gorda plate and the North American Plate is a transform boundary. Transform boundaries that lie at near land are the most destructive, which is the case in Southern California, which is close to this plate boundary.

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The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate form a transform plate boundary where they slide past each other horizontally. This boundary is known as the San Andreas Fault system in California.

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The Southern part of California is on the Pacific plate and the Northern part of California is on the North American plate.

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