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For the portion in the United States it is a transform boundaries, while in the Gulf of California it forms a series of transform and divergent portions.

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Q: What type of plate boundary exists between the North American and Pacific Plate near Mexico?
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What tectonic process is ongoing between Baja California and the Mexico?

Baja California is on the Pacific Plate and across the Gulf of California, the rest of Mexico is on the North American plate. Both plates are sliding, in a way that the Pacific Plate is moving to the northwest while the North American Plate is moving southeast. This is called a transform boundary between both plates.

What type of boundary caused the earthquake 442010 baja California Mexico?

Its epicenter was located on the convergent boundary between the Pacific and Cocos tectonic plates.

An argument between Mexico and the US over a boundary led to this?

The Mexican American War.

What type of plate boundary is near Sierra Madre?

The Sierra Madre mountain range in Mexico is located near a divergent plate boundary, where the North American Plate is moving away from the Pacific Plate. This boundary is associated with seismic activity and volcanism in the region.

Which major event settles the boundary dispute between Mexico and the US?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo settled the boundary dispute between the United States and Mexico.

What countries share tectonic plates?

Countries that share tectonic plates include Japan, which lies on the Pacific Plate, and the United States and Mexico, which are both situated on the North American Plate. Additionally, Iceland straddles the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate.

What is the political boundary between the US and Mexico?

The border

What are Mexico artificial boundaries?

One example is the border line that goes from the Rio Grande River in El Paso/Ciudad Juarez west to the Pacific Ocean; such artificial boundary limits the border between Mexico and California, Arizona and New Mexico.

What is Mexico in between of?

It lies between the United States and Central America, and between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean.

The Rio Hondo forms a boundary between Mexico and what other country?

Most of the Mexico-Belize border is defined by the Hondo River (Spanish: Rio Hondo).There is however, a Rio Hondo located in the US State of New Mexico, but it doesn't define any boundary with the country of Mexico.

What water form is a political boundary between Texas and Mexico?


What river forms part of the boundary between texes and Mexico?
