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In North America:

"Deer" is sort of a generic term. It encompasses what most people think of as deer (below)...

  • Columbian blacktail deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), range: northern California, north through western Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.
  • Coues' deer (Odocoileus virginianus couesi), range: Arizona, New Mexico, and Northern Mexico.
  • Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), range: the western half of North America, from the Yukon south to Mexico, east from the peaks of the Cascades and Sierras, over the Rockies into the US and Canadian prairies.
  • Whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus), range: all of North America (US, Canada, and Mexico).
  • Sitka deer (O. h. sitkensis), range: Alaska
  • Florida deer (O. v. clavium), range: primarily the Florida Everglades. well as moose, elk, and caribou which are also species of deer.

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Q: What types of deer live in Alabama?
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In Alabama Ridge and Valley Region what animals live there?

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There are several types of musk deer, and they differ slightly and range broadly. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on the musk deer, and the four different types can be linked from there.

Can you go deer hunting if you just moved to a new state?

You can in Alabama . you just have to show proof that you live here.

Do deer live in Africa?

absolutely yes.....if deer are treated nice and take care of them...not abusing them

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What types of deer live in Colorado?

Approximately 400,000 Mule deer. Could not find an estimate of the number of White-tailed deer in the state but the numbers are considerably fewer than those of Mule deer.

What are the types of Deere's?

There are many different types of deer. Some of the types of deer include white tailed deer, moose, mule deer, caribou, sika deer, sambar and fallow deer.

How many types of Deer are there?

about 50 types of deer

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There are two types of deer that live in South Dakota, the Mule Deer and the Whitetail Deer.There are two types of deer that might be bred as exotic animals in South Dakota that start with a b.The Blacktail Deer is a sub-species of the Mule Deer. The Blacktail Deer is found in the Pacific Northwest.The Barasingha deer, also called the Swamp Deer, is found in India.

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Types of animals that live on an Isthmus are sloths, deer, and armadillos. Alligators, turtles, and many other animals can also be found living on an Isthmus.

When is deer hunting season in Alabama?

Early January.