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A grey bird that looks like a flamingo is an emu or ostrich. An Emu is female and an Ostrich is male. They are the fastest bird ever and are Australian animals. The emu appears on tehAustralian 50 cent coin with a kangaroo. Even though emus and Ostriches are the fastest birds, they can't fly. They are really big birds with such small wings. If you wanted to see a picture story book on emu's, there is one called Edwina the emu. I hope I have answered your question propely By Amy Clarke

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15y ago
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8y ago

They are pink birds which eat shrimp which have a chemical in them which turn's the bird's plumage pink.

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14y ago

It has feathers, a beak, lays eggs and can yeah, chances are pretty good its a bird.

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14y ago

a flamingo is an aquatic bird the bacteria in the water makes it turn pink

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14y ago

it is an aquatic bird

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12y ago

it is a pink bird

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12y ago


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Q: What bird is grey and looks like a flamingo?
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The flamingo is often associated with the state of Florida. However, the flamingo is not the official state bird of any US state. The flamingo, like the coconut palm, is not indigenous to the United States.

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it looks grey thats about it really! it looks grey thats about it really!

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The bird that appears in a tv spot of Kenzoamour or something like that looks alike a phoenix, the problem is that i dont know what bird is

Does a flamingo eat frogs?

NO . Flamingos eat small fish like anchovies and shrimp. Flamingos are actually white or grey, but the shrimp they eat turns them pink. When a flamingo loses its feathers it eventually turns white or grey. A baby flamingo is born white or grey, but it gets pinker as it gets older. They eat shrimp and some anchovies, as well. (It is the shrimp that accounts for the pink color of flamingos.

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