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Jupiter and Saturn, though there is Helium and Hydrogen on Neptune and Uranus. The two buish planets are mostly menthane, which makes them blue. But Jupiter and Saturn have the most helium and hydrogen.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Jupiter and Saturn are both types of planets we call gas giants because they are composed almost entirely of gas. In this case, Jupiter is about 90% hydrogen and about 10% helium with only traces of anything else. Saturn is about 93% hydrogen and about 7% helium with traces of other gas. Wikipedia has the rundown, and links are provided.

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12y ago

None of them. The four inner planets are mostly made from rock. The four outer planets are mostly made from Hydrogen and Helium.

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12y ago

I think it is Jupiter and Saturn...

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Q: Which inner planet mostly made of hydrogen and helium?
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They are made of less dense materials. While the inner planets are made primarily of rock, the outer planets are made mostly of hydrogen and helium.

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They are made of less dense materials. While the inner planets are made primarily of rock, the outer planets are made mostly of hydrogen and helium.

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The cloud of gas and dust that formed the solar system was mostly hydrogen and helium. When the sun formed, however, these gases were driven out of the inner solar system. Most of the material left behind was rock, so that is what the inner planets formed from.

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Hydrogen and Helium.

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Saturn is the least dense planet because it is primarily made up of hydrogen and helium, which are the two lightest elements. These elements have low densities compared to the rocky materials that make up the inner planets like Earth. Additionally, Saturn's large size and low mass contribute to its overall low density.

Why does the composition of giant gas planet different from that of the rocky inner planets?

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