Oh, what a lovely question! If we're looking for 2-digit numbers where the one's digit is greater than the ten's digit, we simply need to think about the possibilities. There are 36 such numbers, ranging from 12 to 98. Just imagine all the happy little numbers waiting to be discovered!
0.45 is greater than 0.067 When determining greater, start by lining up the numbers at the decimal point and compare the digit farthest left in both numbers. This works for any pair of numbers. 0.45 0.067 Since the first digit in both numbers is the same, we move on to the next digit. 4 is greater than 0, which means 0.45 is greater than 0.067
No, 2.4 is not greater than 2.45. When comparing two numbers, you look at the digits from left to right. In this case, the first digit in both numbers is the same (2), but the second digit in 2.45 (4) is greater than the second digit in 2.4 (0), making 2.45 greater than 2.4.
Three of them.
18 numbers are there
There are 278 5-digit numbers less than 20,000 that are divisible by both four and nine.
There are 45 of them.
U={whole number greater than 10 but smaller than 30 } X={numbers divisible by 3 } Y Odd numbers
Oh, what a lovely question! If we're looking for 2-digit numbers where the one's digit is greater than the ten's digit, we simply need to think about the possibilities. There are 36 such numbers, ranging from 12 to 98. Just imagine all the happy little numbers waiting to be discovered!
0.45 is greater than 0.067 When determining greater, start by lining up the numbers at the decimal point and compare the digit farthest left in both numbers. This works for any pair of numbers. 0.45 0.067 Since the first digit in both numbers is the same, we move on to the next digit. 4 is greater than 0, which means 0.45 is greater than 0.067
They are all the numbers divisible by 2 with no remainder
56 of them.