The nervous system and the endocrine system are the two major regulatory systems in the body.
The mammary glands belong to the reproductive system and the integumentary system. They are specialized glands within the breasts that produce milk for nourishing offspring, which is essential for reproduction. The integumentary system includes the skin and its associated structures, such as hair and nails, which also encompass the mammary glands.
The nervous system and endocrine system often work together to maintain homeostasis in the body. The nervous system controls rapid responses to changes in the environment, while the endocrine system regulates slower, long-term changes by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. Together, they help the body maintain a stable internal environment.
The seven passageways that lead to the pharynx are the two nasal passages, the two oral cavities, the two Eustachian tubes, and the larynx.
The nervous and endocrine systems act, in two different ways, to regulate activities and functions. The nervous system uses nerve impulses while the endocrine system uses hormones to chemically regulate organ systems.
Digestive and respitory systems
The pharynx has roles in both the digestive and respiratory systems.
The pharynx is part of the respiratory system and the digestive system.
The pharynx is part of two systems, the digestive and the respiratory. It moistens, filters and warms the air taken into the lungs.
The pharynx is part of two systems, the digestive and the respiratory. It moistens, filters and warms the air taken into the lungs.
The two most visible body systems in Ascaris roundworms are the digestive system, which includes the mouth, pharynx, intestine, and anus for feeding and digesting nutrients, and the reproductive system, which includes the ovary, oviduct, testis, and vas deferens for reproduction.
the eustachian tube connects the pharynx to the middle ear
The spinal cord itself is part of the nervous system. However, it runs through the centre of the spine, which is part of the skeletal system.
The two coordination systems of the body are the nervous systems and the endocrine sytems, which enable all parts of the body to work together as one.
the kidney belongs to the osmo-regulation and the excreatory system.
The nervous and endocrine systems are the two systems responsible for controlling behavior.
there are way more than two, but i think you mean the endocrine and nervous systems