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Tapirs are related to horses and rhinoceros's

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A tapir is a large mammal that is native to South and Central America, as well as Southeast Asia. It resembles a pig, with a snort snout. It is classified as a Tapiridae in the genus Tapirus.

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Horses and rhino's

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What animals are related to the malayan tapir?

These animals are all species of tapirs that are related to the Malayan Tapir:Mountain TapirBaird's TapirSouth American Tapir

What animal is the tapir related to?

The Tapir is actually related to the horse and rhinoceroses.

Is a Tapir a carnivoure or a herbivoure?

It is neither. Nor are any other animals, for that matter.

What family is the tapir related to?

Family: Tapriidae.Genus: Tapirus.They are distantly related to horses and rhinoceroses. Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: PerissodactylaFamily: TapiridaeGenus: Tapirus

Where is the tapir on the food chain?

well the tapir is hunted more by humans than animals

What animals start with a t and have a snout?


What does tapir rhyme with paper or dapper?

Tapir rhymes with paper. Please see the related link below.

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What eats tapir in tropical forest?

In Central and South America, tapir are hunted by animals such as Jaguar, puma, and caiman. In fact, tapir is one of the most important prey species of the jaguar. In Asia, they are hunted by tigers and leopards.

What is the scientific name for the Tapir?

There are four tapir species, and their latin names are as follows: * Baird's Tapir, Tapirus bairdii * Malayan Tapir, Tapirus indicus * Mountain Tapir, Tapirus pinchaque * Brazilian Tapir (also called Lowland Tapir), Tapirus terrestris But different species can actually breed with each other in zoos etc. to produce hybrids. The baby hybrids are then called whatever the zoo staff want to call them.

What is a malayan tapir niche?

The Malayan tapir is a large herbivore. They eat the leaves and shoots of 115 different plant species. they are also prey animals for tigers and leopards.

How are plans and animals related to each other?

To animals and plants