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First trophic level or producers or green plants or phytoplanktons have the highest biomass except aquatic ecosystems because they perform maximum photosynthesis.

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2mo ago

Primary producers at the base of the food chain contain the greatest biomass in an ecosystem. This is because they are able to harness energy from the sun through photosynthesis, which supports their growth and reproduction. As energy is transferred up the food chain, biomass decreases due to energy loss at each trophic level.

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Q: What tropic level contains the greatest biomass in ecosystem. explain why this occurs?
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Explain how the biomass of a species is limited by their tropic level?

The biomass of a species decreases with increasing trophic level due to energy loss along the food chain. Each trophic level consumes energy and nutrients from the level below, resulting in a smaller overall biomass at higher trophic levels. This is known as the 10% rule, where only about 10% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next.

Is every part of an ecosystem living explain?

No, not every part of an ecosystem is living. Ecosystems are made up of both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components. While living components include plants, animals, and microorganisms, abiotic components like soil, water, sunlight, and temperature also play crucial roles in shaping and supporting the ecosystem.

Explain metabolism and size of individuals of ecosystem?

Metabolism is the chemical processes in living organisms that enable them to maintain life. It involves breaking down food to obtain energy and building blocks for growth and repair. The size of individuals in an ecosystem can influence the rate of metabolism, with larger organisms typically having slower metabolic rates compared to smaller ones, due to differences in surface area-to-volume ratio.

Which is a better model of the movement of energy through an ecosystem a food chain or food web explain why?

A food web is a better model of the movement of energy through an ecosystem than a food chain because it shows the complex interactions and interconnectedness of different species within an ecosystem. Food webs illustrate the multiple paths through which energy flows, capturing a more realistic representation of the ecosystem compared to a linear food chain. Additionally, food webs account for the presence of omnivores, decomposers, and other ecological relationships that are not captured in a simple food chain.

What are the three ecological pyramids of environmental studies. Explain their types?

The three ecological pyramids are the energy pyramid (showing energy transfer between trophic levels), the biomass pyramid (illustrating the biomass present at each trophic level), and the pyramid of numbers (depicting the number of organisms at each trophic level). Each type provides a visual representation of the flow of energy, biomass, and number of organisms within an ecosystem.

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What do scientists use to describe the way energy flows through an ecosystem?

Scientists use a food chain or a food web to describe the way energy flows through an ecosystem, showing the transfer of energy from one organism to another as they consume and are consumed by each other. This helps explain how energy is transferred and distributed throughout different trophic levels in an ecosystem.

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By now, you have learned that there is a lot of interaction between all the components of an ecosystem. However, did you know that we can represent this relationship between the energy and biomass of organisms through a simple diagram? An Ecological pyramid shows precisely this relationship in a diagrammatic format. The predictable changes that are seen in organisms are shown by ecological succession.

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Do ecosystems have borders Explain.?

no,the global ecosystem is connected one way or another

Explain the role of abiotic factors topography weather etc on the ecosystem of Table Mountain National Park. Refer to interaction between wind sea soil fauna and flora.?


Explain why there is no greatest natural number?

because the natural number is infinite so there is no greatest natural number

What is a packet and what does it contains?

Please explain your question better.

What best explain s the natural cause of a decrease in biomass as succession peaks in a climax community?

The decrease in biomass at this stage of succession occurs because the plants or animals have reached equilibrium and exist in balance with eachother and the environment. Therefore the decrease in biomass at the climax community stage occurs because organic material released into the soil is not at as a rapid process as before.

Explain why Can a ecosystem have more than one food chain?

No, an ecosystem as well as supporting the food chain also supports the organisms with an environment in which to live and bread.

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no it can not be recyled because matter can not be recycled so it cant be either