None, they should stay positive till a few weeks or months after you deliver.
Yes. Home pregnancy tests actually give accurate results in the first trimester, some as early as the first few weeks of pregnancy.
no, especially if there was no penetration
Go to the doctor to get a real test.
No, UTIs do not affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests.
Yes as they are negative you can conclude, the test is negative and nothing to worry.
Pregnancy tests, especially early-stage home tests, are never 100% reliable.
All home pregnancy tests*
Yes; a home pregnancy test should be accurate 14 days after conception. This would include the second trimester.
Yes. Home pregnancy tests only read up to a certain amount of hCG or the pregnancy hormone. Anything above that number would read negative.
i know i took two tests and i was pregnant
Most pregnancy tests are 99%
Yes, but that is a small chance.