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Most of the time you can just leave them in the tank. The other fish will most likely leave them alone. You can feed them wafers with algae in them. They will also eat whatever your other algae eaters eat. I hope this answer helps!

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Do Chinese algae eaters eat neon tetra?

no they do not any type of algae eaters only eat algae that has grown on your tanks glass

What should you feed algae eaters or fish?

There are specialised foods for algae eaters at most good pet shops.

Do algae eaters eat dead fish?

yes algae eaters do eat dead fish because as i type this my algae eater is feasting on a dead goldfish!

What fish are cold water algae eaters?

Common cold water algae eaters include plecos, otocinclus catfish, and Siamese algae eaters. These fish help control algae growth in aquariums by consuming algae as part of their diet.

Do algae eaters eat your plants in your aquarium?

No, because plants are not made up of algae

Goldfish and hes sitting by your algae eaters?

No he's not.

Are brine shrimp safe for plecostomus to eat?

Yes they are good as a treat but Plecos are algae eaters. Specialised food is available for algae eaters at good pet/fish shops

Are algae eaters scaleless fish?

It depends on what you are calling an "algae eater." A pleco is considered a scaleless fish. A Siamese or Chinese algae eater does have scales.

Do algae eaters eat other fishes young?

Yes Sometimes

What are examples of algae eaters?

Mollys, Swordtails, Platties, Sucking catfish, Bristlenose catfish, Kissing gourami, and Plecostomus are all enthusiastic algae eaters. There are heaps more but too many to mention here.

Can neon tetra live with algae eater?

Yes, neon tetras can live with algae eaters like bristlenose plecos or Siamese algae eaters. However, make sure the tank size is large enough to accommodate both species, and provide ample hiding spots for the neon tetras as they can be sensitive to aggressive tankmates. Additionally, ensure the algae eater's diet is supplemented as they may not rely solely on algae for sustenance.

How do you get algae eaters in tapfish?

You go to the store then go to fish eggs then scroll all the way down to algae eaters category then click on it then click on buy it then tap anywhere in your tank to place the egg. The end.