Goats are not nationalistic. They'll lactate in any country despite the local political philosophies.
Yes. Most women can continue to lactate for many years if they do so regularly manually or with a pump.
They only do so if they are constantly stimulated to keep lactating, i.e., are milked regularly once or twice a day. If a mammal's milk is needed regularly, then that female mammal will keep lactating. If the milk is no longer needed, then that female mammal (which includes cows and goats) will stop producing milk. Besides, all mammals have the ability to lactate continuously like cows and goats (and that includes women) if they are constantly stimulated to produce milk.
Kids are goats when they are over one year old.Baby goats are called "kids" the first year of their life. The second year they are "yearlings" and after that either "does" for girls or "bucks" for boys.
It is not possible for a man to lactate from his urethra at all, regardless of how much time he is given.
Limited grain and hay until she recovers. This controls the possibility of mastitis with too much production. Then as much as she needs to lactate.
Lactate threshold is caused when lactate production exceeds lactate clearance during exercise or increasing intensity.
lactate dehydrogenase
Quintuplets are rare in goats but they do happen from time to time. The world record for the largest number of baby goats born at once is six, with five surviving.
I've been taking YAZ for almost a year and have never lactated
The general gestation time for goats is between 149 and 155 days.
Any mammal can lactate with the right amount of hormones and development. So in short answer to your question, yes, it is quite possible for shemales (men) to lactate if given the correct dose or estrogen, progestin, and/or estradiol for an extended period of time and then given the hormone Prolactin and oxytosin. Even you could lactate if given this hormone regiment. This is not to say ALL shameles can lactate because many breast implants will destroy the milk ducts.