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Daffodils grow in the spring from a bulb. They do have seeds, but it takes a good five years to get a flower from a daffodil seed, so most people plant the bulbs. They need to be in a well drained area, in sun or partial shade, and the bulb can adapt to most soils. Once the temperature is right, the bulb will send up its one cotyledon and from that leaves will make their way up and out to the light to soak up energy and make food for the bulb and expectant flowers. They last a full month or so, depending on the variety. When the flowers are finished, you leave the leaves in place for about a month. After they have started turning yellow, all of the food that they can make has been sent to the bulb. They they disappear until the next spring. Each year the bulb will multipy to produce new plants. They are very simple plants to have and they need very little tending.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

This depends entirely on [1] what plant zone you are in and [2] which daffodil variety you have planted. In Zone 7b, depending on the exact altitude, wild daffodils are expected to flower on Valentine's Day, so they have spouted a month before. However in Zone 5b, they might not see daffodil flowers until April Fool's day. The timing of this bulb has everything to do with the soil temperature, and since that can vary from year to year, you have to rely on people who have grown daffodils a long time in your are to give you the proper answer.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

In the Northern Hemisphere, daffodils bloom in March and April.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the spring.

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The daffodils blowing in the breeze were butterflies tripping in the wind, up and down with the lightest touch.

How do daffodils spread?

Daffodils do not go to seed. The grow from bulbs ( the main root of the plant. ) I usually tear apart my daffodils every 4 to 5 years and separate the bulbs, and replant them in different locations. On a side note . . . Deer detest daffodils, so they are a great flowering plant to grow if you have a large deer population. Daffodils do produce seed. Seed from species will come true to type and can take a few years to produce flowers. Hybrids will not come true from seed so are multiflied by various manipulations of the bulbs.

Are there daffodils in Alabama?

Yes we have daffodils

What is the plural word form of daffodils?

"Daffodils" is the plural of "daffodil."

How do you set a bandy watch?

right, Press A twice month will come up press M to set month. press A once again day will come up. press M to set. press A and hour will come up press M to set. press A and minutes will come up press M to set after press A and it will be working.

do daffodils eat flies?

No, daffodils are not carnivorous. :P

Where are daffodils grown in India?

daffodils are not found in India.

What is jocund company in daffodils?

Jocund means humorous of merry. A jocund company would be a bunch of friends having fun together. When applied to daffodils, it means that the person found that being in a group of daffodils made him feel good. It brightened up his day just to be there.

When were daffodils invented?

Daffodils have been around many many centuries. In fact daffodils are older than humans. Daffodils evolved sometime in the Oligocene period or Miocene period.

What is a daffodils adaptation?

The good thing about daffodils is that they require very little human care. Have you ever seen a meadow where there are daffodils in what looks to be a garden setting? Long after the people have died and the house has fallen and crumbled away, the daffodils will still be in their gardens. Daffodils don't really need to "adapt". They already have toxins in thier tissues that keep weeds at bay. They are early spring flowers - up before the major invasion of weeds occurs. Daffodils can grow from USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 3 through 9.

Do daffodils grow in Europe?

Yes, daffodils grow in Europe.

Can daffodils grow in hot places?

Well it grew up my nose and that's warm