I make note of a wonderful URL anyone can use to determine this. Go there, click on the link to "U.S. National Parks," pull down the menu and select "Grand Canyon Mather Point", select September 2011 as the month of your desired calendar, and then click the [Make Calendar] Button. You'll find that morning twilight will be at 5:31 am and sunrise will be at 6:01 am.
Born to Explore - 2011 Arizona The Grand Canyon 2-25 was released on: USA: 13 July 2013
Sunrise: 6:44am Sunset: 7:04pm
at 7:39 PM EDT
U-Verse Buzz - 2007 Road Trip Grand Canyon 5-11 was released on: USA: 1 June 2011
9/10/11 North Myrtle Beach sunset: 7:28 PM EDT
18:49 (6:49 pm) EDT
The book Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon has documented 683 deaths either below or at the rim of The Canyon, in the period from about 1870 to 2001. There was an updated version released earlier this year.
Click on This - 2011 Grand Prix 2013 IndyCar was released on: USA: 1 September 2013
The 2011 GMC Canyon has 16 valves.
Paranormal Challenge - 2011 Jerome Grand Hotel 1-12 was released on: USA: 16 September 2011
The 2011 GMC Canyon is a gas-powered vehicle.