10AM PST is 1PM EST on the east coast.
PST is behind by 16 hours to Philippine Time 9PM PST is equivalent to the following day 1PM in Philippine Time. For example: If its 9PM Thursday in US/Canada, its already 1PM Friday in the Philippines.
It means it is 1 pm in the Pacific region.
4pm EST is 1pm PST. There is a 3-hour difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Pacific Standard Time (PST).
1pm. PST is GMT-8 while the UK is in GMT. Both observe daylight savings leaving an eight hour time difference.
10AM PST is 1PM EST on the east coast.
PST is behind by 16 hours to Philippine Time 9PM PST is equivalent to the following day 1PM in Philippine Time. For example: If its 9PM Thursday in US/Canada, its already 1PM Friday in the Philippines.
It means it is 1 pm in the Pacific region.
4pm EST is 1pm PST. There is a 3-hour difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Pacific Standard Time (PST).
1pm. PST is GMT-8 while the UK is in GMT. Both observe daylight savings leaving an eight hour time difference.
1 pm PST = 4 pm EST 1 pm PDT = 4 pm EDT
Thursdays at 4 pm Est, 1pm pst and 11 am hawian
12pm - central time is 2 hours ahead of pacific. 12pm pacific is: 1pm mountain time 2pm central time 3pm eastern time (and 10am in Hawaii and 11am in Alaska)
It would be midnight in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). PST is 8 hours behind UTC, so if it's 3 pm PST, it would be 11 pm UTC, and at midnight UTC it would be at 4 pm PST.
1 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (Australia) = 6 PM PST = 7 PM PDT 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (Australia) = 7 PM PST = 8 PM PDT 1 PM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (America) = 9 AM PST = 10 AM PDT 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (America) = 10 AM PST = 11 AM PDT
The time difference between California, US (Pacific Time Zone) and Paris, France (Central European Time Zone) is typically 9 hours, with Paris ahead of California. When it is midnight in California, it is 9 AM in Paris.
Pst=pacific time zone.