Bangkok is in the ICT time zone (GMT+7) and does not observe daylight savings. Therefore, there is a 12 hour difference outside of daylight savings and 11 hour inside.
11pm EST is 10am or 11am, the following day.
London time is usually 7 hours behind Bangkok time.
Right now it is 1 AM in Chicago
The time difference between Kabul, Afghanistan and Bangkok, Thailand is 2.5 hours. Bangkok is 2.5 hours ahead of Kabul.
Bangkok is 13 hrs. ahead 6 AM Central Standard Time = 7 PM Indochina Time
Shanghai is always one hour ahead of Bangkok.7 PM Indochina Time (UTC+7) = 8 PM Beijing Time (UTC+8)
there is no direct flight Bangkok Airways did for some time now the quickest way is via Guangzhou
Thousands - every town has at least one (even right out in the stick) - Bangkok and Chiang Mai have many with more being built all the time (in CM we have 2 more being built right now).
it is 4:00 in Bangkok
it's a palace in Bangkok where it was used by former kings and now it is used for tourism
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Singapore is about 1 hour, 46 minutes.
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Phuket, Thailand is abut 51 minutes.
Its now 5:17 PM in NY while in thailand's capital bangkok its 4:17 AM You do the math now
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Germany is about 11 hours, 6 minutes.
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Male, Maldives is about 3 hours, 55 minutes.
The flight time from Detroit, Michigan to Bangkok, Thailand is about 17 hours, 8 minutes.
The flight time from Bangkok, Thailand to Melbourne Airport is about 9 hours, 7 minutes.
London time is usually 7 hours behind Bangkok time.