It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
If it is 1554 (3:54 pm) in the US Pacific Standard Time zone, it would be 1854 (6:54 pm) in the US Eastern Standard Time zone. EST = GMT -5 PST = GMT -8
In North America and the Caribbean, 12:00 Central Daylight Saving Time is 13:00 Eastern Daylight Saving Time.In Australia, 12:00 Central Daylight Saving Time is 12:30 Eastern Daylight Saving Time.
6 pm PST is 7 pm MST. Mountain Standard Time (MST) is one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
9AM PST is 7PM in Egypt. Egypt is usually 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
If it is 1554 (3:54 pm) in the US Pacific Standard Time zone, it would be 1854 (6:54 pm) in the US Eastern Standard Time zone. EST = GMT -5 PST = GMT -8
6:18 PM EST, 3:18 PM PST
In North America and the Caribbean, 12:00 Central Daylight Saving Time is 13:00 Eastern Daylight Saving Time.In Australia, 12:00 Central Daylight Saving Time is 12:30 Eastern Daylight Saving Time.
In chronological order... Virginia: 6:10 PM EST Kentucky: 6:31 PM EST Indiana & Tennessee: 6:35 PM EST / 5:35 PM CST California: 6:01 PM PST
6 pm PST is 7 pm MST. Mountain Standard Time (MST) is one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
9AM PST is 7PM in Egypt. Egypt is usually 10 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
6:20 in EST = 3:20 in PST.
Whether standard or DST, the local time 3 PM in Pacific is 6 PM in Eastern time. There are 4 major US zones : Pacific - Mountain - Central - Eastern All are 1 hour different from the adjacent zone. Pacific is 3 hours earlier than Eastern.
When it's 6:30 PM PST in California, it's 9:30 PM EST in New York.
If it's 5 PM EST, then it's 2 PM PST. The mainland U.S. has 4 time zones (Alaska and Hawaii each have their own time zones, which makes a total of 6 different time zones for the U.S.). From west to east, the mainland U.S.'s time zones are: Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time and Eastern Time. Each is one hour later than the last. For example, if it's 3 PM Pacific Time, then it's 4 PM Mountain Time, 5 PM Central Time and 6 PM Eastern Time.
10 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time = 6 AM Pacific Standard Time = 7 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time 10 AM Eastern Standard Time = 7 AM Pacific Standard Time = 8 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time -HW 6:00am pacific time (the floating time zone)