2PM British Summer Time is 9PM Singapore Time. Singapore is 7 hours ahead of BST.
If it's 2 pm BST, Boston is in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, which is 5 hours behind BST. Therefore, it would be 9 am in Boston.
2pm EST
Thursday 2pm
To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.
If it is 2pm Pacific Time what time is it in Central time zone
Singapore is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean time. Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT starts in London. Currently England is operating on BST or British Summer Time which is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean time. This Autumn it will fall back to original GMT. So for this moment, Singapore is 7 hours ahead of London, eight hours ahead of GMT.
If 1430 is in BST (British Summer Time), it would be 1330 UTC. BST is UTC+1 during daylight saving time.
3.00 pm BST is 7.00 pm in Pakistan. Pakistan is 4 hours ahead of British Summer Time (BST).
8 hours.A Singapore time of 7.30am will be 11.30pm the priorevening in London.usually 7 hours, but it depends on the time of the yearBetween the last Sunday of March and the last Sunday of October, Singapore is seven hours ahead of London. During that time, when it's 8 PM SGT in Singapore, it's 1 PM BST in London.Between the last Sunday of October and the last Sunday of March, Singapore is eight hours ahead of London. During that time, when it's 8 PM SGT in Singapore, it's 12 noon GMT in London.
At 2300 BST, it's 0500 ICT in Thailand.
After 2pm