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Q: What the devil meant for harm god meant for good?
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Why was the devil made?

The devil was not "made." The Scriptural account is that the devil was originally created by God as one of His many good angels. A rebellion against God amongst the angels occurred - the leader of whom is the devil. The good angel was indeed made by God, but the devil (as he now is) was not made by God.

What do you think Jesus meant when he said the gates of hell hades would not overcome the church?

He meant that even the devil could not defeat the heaven of God.

What kept God from putting the devil in Hell instead of Eden?

The devil was once one of God's angels. The angels were meant to serve God. When God created humans he created them to become friends with him. The devil became jealous that God would have a closer relationship with humans than with the angels and decided to rebel against God, thus giving us all the actions that we get from evil.

What are the devils limitations?

The devil has no limitations if you do not give him any. The only free will god gave man was the will between good and evil. We will our mind and our emotions to be what we want to be. If we choose to serve god we know that all that god created was good. The devil choose to do evil over good.

Is good witchcraft Satan or god?

Witchcraft is always the work of the devil.

Why did God put a curse on the serpent an not the devil?

The serpent in the mythological creation story of the Bible is not the devil. That is only Christian supposition, especially since the creation story is not meant to be taken as true.

Do that which is good and no harm shall come to thee?

This means that if you do good, God is watching, and no harm will come to you.

Where can you find where the devil protected god?

Nowhere. How would the devil protect God when God created the devil? (Ezekiel 28)

Where in the bible is the verse what Satan intended for evil GOD used for good?

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph tells his brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant for good.

What is in God but not in devil It is in good but not in the evil The poor have it The rich don't?


What is evil and the devil?

"Evil" is generically the opposite of "good", and is a label applied to something morally or ethically wrong. A more specific definition is the capacity to deliberately inflict harm or injury to another. Synonyms in this instance are malicious or wicked.A "devil" is an evil or malicious spirit or demon. Capitalized, the "Devil" is synonymous with Satan, the personification of evil and the antagonist to God in Christian and other religions.

If good and evil is in balance this means that the devil has the same amount of power as god.?

If the first part of the statement is correct then so is the latter part. If you accept that both god and the devil exist.