What do you think a person would need in order to survive in the desert?
What does a polar bear need to adjust in order to live in a desert?
A polar bear would need to adjust a lot of things in order to
survive in a desert. Without air conditioning, or millions of years
to evolve, a polar bear would likely die in the new
What would you need to survive on a desert island?
Water, and the brain power to use the resources that you
What technologies are used in the desert?
Well if you want to survive in the desert, you will need a way
to either carry water or obtain water. Such things are
technologies. You will need many other things too that are not part
of your own body... all of those are also technologies.
What is survival gear?
It would depend on the conditions you need to survive in. Cold
weather gear would not be much use in the desert
What is good survival gear?
It would depend on the conditions you need to survive in. Cold
weather gear would not be much use in the desert
What skills would aboriginal children need if to survive three months of walking cross a desert?