When a fugitive is apprehended, they are usually taken into custody by law enforcement. They may be brought to a police station for processing, where their identity and any outstanding warrants are verified. Depending on the circumstances and charges they are facing, they may be held in custody until further legal proceedings or may be released on bail.
Extradition is the process when a fugitive flees to another state and is apprehended then sent back to the original state in which they fled.
The fugitive managed to evade capture by the authorities for several weeks before being apprehended.
They will be tried for whatever offense they are a fugivite from, and an additional charge of fugitive may be added. If you are asking because you ARE a fugitive from MS - if you are apprehended in another state and MS wants to extradite you, the apprehending state will simply hold you (usually without further charges) until such time as the legal process for extradition is processed.
You are a fugitive from justice. When apprehended you will be sent to prison to serve the remainder of your original sentnce and, in addition, probably face prosecution on the fugitive charge.
There is none. Absconding is an open felony. If not apprehended, you are a fugitive. Look at the case of the woman who absconded/escaped from the Michigan DOC 20+ years ago and was apprehended in California earlier this year. Look at the case of Roman Polanski. If you abscond or escape, you will be listed as a fugitive, you will be captured eventually, and you will do the time. Consider whether you want to do the time now or when you are 70 or older. Your best bet is to face it now and be done.
It is called Extradition. This can also be done between some countries, for instance, what happened between Canada and America not long ago.
on your mom
A fugitive, or an absconder.A person who flees from justice is called a fugitive. He is also known as a wanted person and is either convicted or accused of a crime. A fugitive takes refuge in Another Country in order to avoid arrest.
A fugitive, or an absconder.A person who flees from justice is called a fugitive. He is also known as a wanted person and is either convicted or accused of a crime. A fugitive takes refuge in another country in order to avoid arrest.
The cast of Apprehended - 2009 includes: Ryan Siburt
well it is also known as an act which took place in 1850
It took place in 1850 which was one of the causes of the civil war.