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This system evolved from an earlier business accounting and shipping invoice/receipt system using clay tokens of various shapes representing different goods and hollow clay balls used to transport the tokens with shipments. The recipient would break the ball open, count the tokens and verify they matched the goods he received. Eventually it was decided to press the tokens into the outside surface of the clay ball before placing them inside, sealing the ball, and firing it so they could be verified in transit without breaking the ball. Ultimately the tokens were abandoned and the clay ball pressed flat to form a tablet and additional symbols were added to expand the system into a full writing system.
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10y ago

The system of writing is called cuneiform. As far back as 4,000 B. C. , cuneiform was being used in Mesopotamia, and believed to have been used for accounting and other record keeping.

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Cuneiform script is one of the earliest writing system. The script was marked on clay tablets using the perennial grass called reed as stylus.

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16y ago

Cuneiform was the system it was developed in Mesopotamia by the Sumerians.

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Q: What is a system for writing comprised of wedge shaped marks on clay in Mesopotamia?
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What was the wedged shaped system of writing developed in mesopotamia?


What is system of writing comprised of wedge shaped marks on clay?


What was the system of writing comprised of wedge shaped marks on clay?


What was the system of writing comprised on wedge shaped marks on clay?


What is the system of writing comprised of wedge-shaped marks on clay?


System of writing comprised of wedge-shaped marks on clay?


System of writing comprised of wedge shasped marks on clay?

Cuneiform is the system of writing comprised of wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. It was used by ancient civilizations like the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians in the Near East.

What system of writing comprised wedgeshaped marks on clay?

Cuneiform writing used wedged-shaped marks on clay tablets. It was developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia and was also used by other civilizations such as the Babylonians and Assyrians. Cuneiform was one of the earliest known writing systems, dating back to around 3200 BCE.

What was the worlds first writing system?

The Sumerians from Mesopotamia were the first to use writing. It's called cuneiform, after the wedge-shaped tool they used to carve the words out.

What is cuneiform and why is it wedge shaped?

Cuneiform is an ancient writing system that was used in Mesopotamia. It is wedge-shaped because it was originally impressed into clay tablets using a reed stylus, which created wedge-shaped marks. This writing system was developed by the Sumerians around 3000 BCE and was later adopted by other civilizations in the region.

Cuneiform is a type of?

Cuneiform is a type of writing system that was used in ancient Mesopotamia. It consisted of wedge-shaped characters pressed into clay tablets. It is one of the earliest known writing systems in the world.

What is the definition of cuneiform?

Cuneiform is a system of writing that was used in ancient Mesopotamia and consists of a series of wedge-shaped characters. It was one of the earliest forms of writing in the world.