If you increase the rate of which the projectile was once traveling toward your opponent. A good hard return chap.
The U symbol indicates a Union in set notation. This means that the resulting set is the combination of all unique items in the sets on either side of the symbol.
A radical symbol indicates taking a root. A radical symbol alone indicates a square root (or equivalently, raising to the 1/2 power). If there is a small superscript number just to the left of the radical, then that indicates which root to take (square root for 2, cube root for 3, forth root for 4, fifth root for five, etc). This means raising to the 1/x power, where x is the small superscript number to the left of the radical.
That is the Greek letter Epsilon which indicates summation.
In scientific notation, 0.0000043 is 4.3 x10^ -6 [where the ^ symbol indicates that the 10 is raised to the power of -6 ... usually written in superscript]
An octagon is a symbol on a regulatory marker that indicates a dam or stumps.
The @ symbol.
A condensate return temperatures indicates reduced energy losses and disposal costs.
An orange diamond is the symbol on a regulatory marker that indicates hazards such as rocks or stumps.
The plus symbol indicates the Live.
An orange diamond is the symbol on a regulatory marker that indicates hazards such as rocks or stumps.
An orange diamond is the symbol on a regulatory marker that indicates hazards such as rocks or stumps.
The symbol on the bottom of the cymbal indicates the manufacturer.
The letter "p" in the symbol 4p3 indicates the variable representing a number that is to be raised to the power of 3.
fragmentation hazards
Fragmentation hazard
The symbol for Cornerstone Progressive Return Fund in the AMEX is: CFP.