No. The "Big Bang" is believed to have resulted in the creation of our universe, 13.7 billion years ago. Life is obviously much more recent, as the Earth on which we live is only about four and a half billion years old.
Everything we have today, or its precursors: for example, atoms, the 3K background radiation (which was much hotter initially), intergalactic space and dust, dark matter (whatever that is! - We know it exists, but we don't know a lot about its composition). Galaxies and stars were formed later. The so-called "metals" (elements heavier than helium) were also formed later.
It did not; not directly, anyway. The big bang (which was not an audible event, by the way) is the expansion of energy that is theorized to have started what turns out to be our universe. At first, there wasn't even any matter-- not one single bit. It was all energy, and there was a LOT of energy. Particles began to fall out of the energy as the expanding universe cooled. Particles began to group together by way of gravity. Some mass came together to form stars. Scientists theorize that our sun was not even among this first batch of stars, but really is a second generation star. So our sun didn't even start forming until billions of years after the beginning of the universal expansion.
That would have been predominantly hydrogen and helium, with trace amounts of lithium and beryllium. We see these ratios in the spectroscopic analysis of light from the most distant galaxies, and refer to those ratios of elements as "primordial," meaning those formed closest in time to the beginning of the big bang. The ratios of these primordial elements also happen to be a good indicator for the accuracy of the standard theory of modern cosmology.
ok here it is nobody really knows ok there is no proof that god really even exits and if we try to crate the big bang theory in a Hadrian clidor it might just might create a black hole and kill us all as i heard ok the whole point of the big bang theory is that a whole lot of particles were in a huge star when this exploded over a really big period of time these particle's clumped together to make rocks which then clumped together more to crate planets then when a bunch of asteroids hit earth to crate the ground after it cooled once again a lot later some how life was formed stuff like plants and then later dinosaurs ok like i said no one knows if this really happed it's just a theory and even if god did exist what would he do exactly what would he do there is actually a name for people that belive there is no way of knowing how the earth got started all we can do is more guessing and researching lots of this was about how the earth formed but the particles part mixed with some gas hitting each other might of crated stars as i have learned
After the big bang, the first life to form on Earth was small prokaryotic cells in the primordial ooze of early Earth.
We don't really know. The only life forms we know are those on Earth, but whether something else out there formed first who can tell? Either way, it was millions and millions of years after the big bang that life formed on Earth.
The Big Bang Theory is set in Pasadena California.
Big Bang Theory is available for rental only.
Yes the Big Bang is a Korean boy band.
There is no recurring "boss" character on Big Bang Theory.
Nanny Mcphee and the big bang is 109mins long.
According to the believes of physics and the big bang, we know that the big bang was both big and a bang. Since we are still receiving radiation from the big bang, So considering that factor I would say that it was big and a bang. What do you believe?
Big Bang - Big Bang album - was created on 2009-08-19.
The Best of Big Bang
How did it what? - It isn't known what caused the Big Bang, if that's what you mean.
The big bang created itself.
big bang: This is the big bang theory
There are two questions commonly asked:1. Is it real, or did God create the universe ex nihilo?2. Did the Big Bang create more than one universe?3. How can the big bang account for dark matter and dark energy?
the big bang of couse
The big bang is a theory.
Big Bang Tornado
Everything we know of happened after the Big Bang.
Big Bang theorist believe