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The Philadelphia Mint is in Pennsylvania, the Denver Mint is in Colorado, the San Francisco Mint is in California, and the West Point Mint is in New York.

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Q: What states are the US Mints in?
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Related questions

How many mints are there in the US now?

Currently, there are 4 operating mints in the US.

How many mints in the US?

In the history of the US there have been 8 mints. Today there are 4 in use.

How does US make their money?

Printed in mints.

How many US coin mints are there?

There are currnetly four US mints in operation. The Philadelphia, Denver, San Fransisco and West point mints. One other mint in operation is located in the Philippines, but does not produce American currnecy.

Who produces us coins today?

The United States Treasury Department, Bureau Of The Mint. Coins are minted at one of 4 US Mints. Philadelphia, San Francisco, Denver and West Point.

The two US Mint are located in which cities?

United States coins are minted (created) in one of two U.S. Mints: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or Denver Colorado.

Who mints the one dollar gold colored coins?

If you mean the US one dollar coins in circulation, it's likely the United States government strikes them.

What were the to places where the us mints coins for curculain?

Currently just the Denver and Philadelphia Mints make coins for general circulation.

What are the 6 locations of US Mints?

There are only 4 active mints today, in Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco, and West Point. In the past, there were also mints in Carson City and New Orleans.

What were the US Mints in 1923?

Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco.

Where are the two us mints?

The US actually have four mints. They are located in Philadelphia, PA, Denver, CO, San Francisco, CA, and West Point, NY. The US bullion depository is located in Fort Knox, KY.

How much is a 2017 penny worth?

Pennies were not made by US mints in 1717. In fact mints were not even established yet back 1717.