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Anytime you get into the -isms you will always get a certain amount of disagreement, and communism is often mistaken for socialism because most countries in the 20th century that IMPLEMENTED socialism were CALLING THEMSELVES communist. This is because nobody knew how to make communism work, so they implemented socialism on the belief that communism would arise from that (as predicted by Marx).

Communism is a classless, moneyless, and stateless arrangement where everyone produces to the best of their ability, but consumes only what they need.

Socialism is government ownership of the means of production. That is the classic definition. I would substitute the word 'control' for 'ownership' in the sentence. To implement socialism, you need a near-omnipotent state, and there's the rub. Socialism creates such a concentration of power that massive corruption is inevitable.

Very few people actually advocate for real socialism anymore. Usually, they just mean capitalism with a large social welfare presence. Which is not socialism.

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Lvl 6
βˆ™ 3y ago
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Susan Gutkowski

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βˆ™ 3y ago
good answer, thxx
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Lvl 13
βˆ™ 3y ago

As a form of society, Communism means a classless stateless system where goods and services are produced to meet human need, and nobody has power over others.

As a set of ideas, Communism involves an analysis of history and economics, focussing on the fact that capitalism inevitably results in poverty and exploitation.

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Riley Glover

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βˆ™ 3y ago
awsum thxx!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A simple description is that the State is all powerful & that everyones efforts are for the benefit of the State. Communes are established to the greater good of those in it all working for each other for the benefit of all. That's one theory. Practice proves very different.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

"From each, according to his ability, to each according to his need."

This is one of the phrases that crystallize the meaning of communism.

Marx deprecates this phrase in Critique of the Gotha Programme; it is at best the long-term goal of communism. The definition of communism is the abolition of private property.

Note that in The Communist Manifesto, Marx charges the capitalists (the bourgeoisie) with abolishing "ordinary" private property: the bank owns most our houses and cars. The only sort of private property communism can abolish is the private ownership of the means of production (actual ownership of factories, etc.) as well as that of money, the social permission to own the means of production and expropriate the surplus labor of the working class.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Marxist viewpoint on History and Economy: History revolves around class struggle and violent revolution against the ruling class by the lower class. Economy, "from each which he is able, to to each according to need."

Dictatorship of the proletariat: The rule by people who is the best option for the working class (if they knew what was best for them).

Command economy: The government controls the factors of production and makes all economic decisions.

Idea of belonging to a global movement: Marxist History is prospective, thus, it is naturally ordained that communism will be achieved throughout the world.

Anti-theism: As Marx said "religion is the opioid of the people," religion is typically banned or treated with official disdain and disapproval.

That true communism has never been achieved: No "Communist" country has ever actually claimed to have achieved real communism. Deng Xiao Ping put the achievement of true communism on the shelf in China for a few hundred years by saying that true communism will take many generations to achieve (a generation typically refers to 60 years in Chinese thought). Even North Korea does not believe that it has achieved true communism, it still progressing through the final stage of socialism, having evolved from capitalism (which had evolved through revolutions from feudalism).

One of the two countries to be considered communist today, North Korea has generated some of its own additions that are quite unique in history:

Juche: Meaning self reliance, is a "religion" to which all N. Koreans must subscribe. Interesting as this makes the DPRK the one of the only two countries on Earth where the whole population belongs to a single religion (the other being the Vatican); also interesting because it goes against Marxist anti-theism. Perhaps installed as a means to replace religion rather than ban it; it is similar in many ways to Confucianism.

Necrocracy: (rule by a dead person) Kim Jong Il was proclaimed "President for Life" in response to Kruschev's De-Stalinisation of the USSR. Therefore, he is the only world leader to still be in power despite the fact that he is dead.

Inclusion of intellectuals as a part of the working class. Again, another clever addition. Perhaps in response Pol Pot's woeful attempt at achieving Communism in Cambodia and the realisation that intellectuals are as necessary as factory workers and farmers.

For communism read communial (people working together as a supportive unit to attain a collective goal). It is an acheivable ideal but not in the current political imbalance that is todays global society. Thomas more propounded this ideal in his book 'utopia' written 500 years ago. Orwell shows a more sinister, and relevent to what we see as modern 'communism' in his book 1984. The problem with communism as we experience it in todays world is the desire for power outweighs the desire to share. 'We'll all be equal, only I'm going to be more equal than you'

Communism is a Theocracy to the goddess Athenia

Communism is Marx & Engels application of Athenian philosophia doctrine via the use of the dialectic method, upon an concentration of individuals. Most folks miss the fact that Hegel (instructor of Marx & Engels) taught Athenian philosophia doctrine, which is commonly referred to today as philosophy.

The word philosophy is made up of two Greek words; philos and sophos. Philos means love or affinity or affection for, such as brotherly love Phila-delphia, where the same word is used. Sophos means knowledge or wisdom or understanding, its use is related to Athena which was the patron goddess of Athens and the goddess over all knowledge. Philos-Sophos is the attesting to or love of the quest for knowledge as provided by the goddess Athena. Knowledge is derived through the use of clever argument known as dialectic (argument using thesis and its opposing anththesis, which results in synthesis). There are other encapsulations used with the dialectic method of thinking, some of which are the antithesis must be logical and reasonable and observable by the senses of man.

The idea behind this doctrine, is for man to become enlightened with knowledge, through this dialectic process until he/she reaches the level known as Sage, (all knowing or all understanding). In Athens these Sage were also known as the educators or teachers of the day, often referred to as Sophists. The Sage included adherents to Athenian philosophia doctrine such as Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, and Zeno, as well as many others.

Marx & Engels used their dialectics, especially the dialectic of materialism to establish a political-relgious system (often known as a theocracy), which is called Communism. All believers in communism must also accept Athenian philosophia doctrine, and the use of dialectics.

Communism is a collective which does not allow for the individual separate from the collective. The commune is run, directed, guided, by the self proclaimed Sage, who reside over all decisions, all property and all the means of production within the commune. The system is built upon a utopian idea of the all knowing, all wise Sage who protect and enlighten the people of the commune. The commune is often referred to as "The State". The idea is for all the subjects of the commune to become enlightened trough the application of the doctrine of philosophy via the dialectic method. Live peacefully and prosperously as a commune of all knowing Sage. or those striving for the level of Sage or perfection.

The practical application has historically failed to achieve anything other than a State Dictatorship over peasants. Control over the various decisions and means of production and ownership of property, often succumb to human greed and corruption which results in a ruthless dictatorship.

The Apostle Paul engaged believers in this same philosophia doctrine while he was in Athens, the account is documented in the book of Acts chapter 17. Later in the book of Colossians, in chapter 2 we find Paul's warning concerning this same doctrine. Historically we now understand that the application of this philosophia doctrine, ruined both Greece and Roman civilizations.

Theocracy ends

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The government owns the land, factories, banks, and transportation facilities.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

fat people dont belong in elevators, they need ot take the stairs

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βˆ™ 3y ago

well communism is a valid government form it was not used correctly which led to its downfall, now lets get to the point;

Dababy? lets goooo.

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βˆ™ 3y ago

communism, Political theory advocating community ownership of all property, the benefits of which are to be shared by all according to the needs of each.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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