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Q: What state extended suffrage to women before the 1920's?
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American women suffrage association (AWSA) tried to?

get every state to vote on women's suffrage.

What did the American Woman Suffrage Association try to do?

get every state to vote on women's suffrage.

Did Texas grant full women's suffrage before 1920?

Texas ratified the 19th Amendment on June 28, 1919. It became the ninth state, and the first former Confederate state, to grant women's suffrage.

Who employed a flexible state-by-state strategy to promote women's suffrage?

The National American Woman Suffrage Association employed a flexible state-to-state strategy to promote women's suffrage. The organization was founded by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns in 1913.

Which organizations worked primarily for womens suffrage?

The two organizations that fought for Women's suffrage were the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) began to fight for a universal-suffrage amendment to the federal Constitution.and the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) fought for the franchise on a state-by-state basis.

The first state to grant suffrage to women was?

It was Wyoming.... :)

What was the first state to offer women's suffrage?


What was the first state to grant women's suffrage?

It was Wyoming.... :)

Which state had no statewide woman suffrage befoe 1920 but as surrounded by other states that had partial of full woman suffrage?

New Mexico

Who sets suffrage requirments?

The State governments under the Constitution.

Which state was the first to grant womens suffrage?


What was the first state to allow women suffrage?
