

What stars are cool and dim?

Updated: 10/9/2021
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7y ago

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Brown dwarfs are failed stars, so they don't count. Red dwarfs are the kings when it comes to dimness

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Shanel Weimann

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2y ago
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Q: What stars are cool and dim?
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On the Hertzburg-Russell diagram where would you find stars that are cool and dim?

Stars that are cool and dim would be found in the lower right corner of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, in the region known as the "lower right" or "lower main sequence." These stars have low luminosity and temperature compared to other stars on the diagram.

When was Stars Go Dim created?

Stars Go Dim was created in 2007.

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The largest stars, known as red hypergiants, can appear red or orange in color due to their cool surface temperatures. The smallest stars, like red dwarfs, are cooler and emit a dim red light.

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Red dwarf stars are located in the lower right corner of the H-R diagram, which means they are cool and dim compared to other stars. They are low-mass stars that have a long lifespan and are the most common type of star in the universe.

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stars that are dim probably have both a small mass and a larger radius.

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magnitude, dim stars have positive magnitudes and bright stars have negative magnitudes

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The Merge - 2009 Stars Go Dim - 2.4 was released on: USA: 13 May 2011

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