The zodiac star sign for October 23 is Libra (September 24 - October 23).
Leo ends around August 22nd.
Virgo is the 23rd of August - 21 of September Though you might want to look at Leo aswell, 23rd of July - 22 of August You were born at or near a cusp, the beginning/end of a star sign, therefore you may have characteristics of both. Like me, I have characteristics of Aquarius and Capricorn, though mostly Aquarius.
If your birth date is till 23rd August,it's Leo. From 24th August onwards,it's Virgo.
You are only a Leo - if you're born with in the dates for that star sign (July 23rd to August 22nd)
It depends what your date of birth is. If it is between July 24th and August 23rd then you are a Leo and your friends are Virgo, Cancer and Aquarius, August 24th to September 23rd for Virgo. June 23rd and July 23rd for Cancer. January 21st to February 19th for Aquarius.
The Star sign for the 22nd of August is........ Leo (the lion)
23rd April; he's a Taurus [:
Leo Born 13th August you are Leo in the western zodiac and Salmon in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
Virgo starts from August 23- September 22.
Leo. Leos are born between July 23rd until August 23rd.
If you were born on the 13th of August your Sun sign is Leo.
It can be. The Virgo sign is predominately in September, but it occurs between August 23rd and September 22nd; these are the most notable of all Virgo dates.