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A quiver is used in the sport of archery.

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13y ago

Archery. that's about it. there might be some eastern sport that requires a bow that nobody has any idea about

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Q: What sport do you need a bow for?
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Bow wow's favorite sport is basketball

What do you have to do to be the best in archery?

well like in any sport you need to practice alot and get a bow that really works for what you are going to be shooting for.

What are archeries?

Archery is the sport of shooting at a target or hunting animals with a bow and arrow.

Is anarchy an Olympic sport?

Anarchy isn't a sport at all. Maybe you're thinking about archery.Archery - shooting with bow and Arrow - is an Olympic sport.

Bow and arrow sport in french?

a bow is called 'un arc' (masc.) in French, and an arrow is called 'une flèche'. The sport is called 'le tir à l'arc'. To be an adept of the sport is 'faire du tir à l'arc'.

How old is your pse compound bow it is a Game sport fire flight express?

I had the same bow new back in 1986

Why is bow hunting more of a sport?

Because it is no longer nesscasary to live

Where did archery originate as a sport?

the stone age dinosaurs used and made the first bow and arrows.

What is a sentence using the word bow?

I bow to the divine in you. I tied a yellow bow in her hair. The bow of the ship is up front, sailor. I'll need a stronger bow for my arrows.

Who does Prince Charles need to bow to?

Prince Charles only has to bow to his mother, the Queen. He is first in line the the throne. He does not need to bow to his father because he will be King and his father won't.

What is better a bow or gun?

i say bow its more fun then just shooting something you need a chalenge and bow hunting is it.

What is bow length of a recurve bow?

depending on the length of the bow which, i think should be 52", you'll need a 48" string.