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Q: What specific animals eat bugs?
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Related questions

What kinds of bugs do giraffes eat?

Giraffes do not eat bugs as they are herbivorous animals and only eat plants and vegetations

What do tickle bugs eat?

Dead plant and animals

Do moose eat bugs and other animals?

No. Moose are herbivores, they only eat plants. If they were to eat bugs it would be accidentally, and other animals would be out of a nitrogen or calcium craving.

What plants eat bugs and animals?

the venus flytrap

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What do lizards eat and do they have any predators?

Lizards eat bugs and other animals

What would a human eat in the rainforest?

bugs, animals, and fruit

What is the monkey diet?

they mainly eat bugs but sometimes they will eat dead animals sometimes

What animal has four legs and eats dried bugs?

Lots of four-legged animals eat bugs. Turtles are one, anteaters are another. Even bears eat bugs.

Find out the food animals eat in forest?

they eat bugs, plants, and tropical fruit but it depends wat type of animals it is.

What animals prey on June bugs?

Bats and birds eat june bugs. So do a few laybugs.

What animals does a stick insects eat?

stick insects do not eat bugs. They eat ivy or blackberry leaves.