They make a huge crunching sound when you step on them.
Because you are crushing their carapace (hard shell).
a sound made by a beetle is called a nack
Make little water beetles.
It depends on where you are and what country you are in. Cicadas are most often the buzz in North America. Pine beetles can make noises when seeking a mate or boring holes in the trees. Asian longhorn beetles are becoming a familiar sound in many trees.
There are many animals that make a buzzing sound. The gnats, flies, all types of beetles and bees. These really are not thought of as animals, rather they are thought of as insects.
Bombardier beetles well kinda but they don't make fire they make fire acid
click beetles
Deathwatch beetle can make a tapping sound, certain other beetles make a scratching noise, if you think you may have Deathwatch beetle you should seek the help of a professional treatment/preservation firm as these can cause a lot of damage and are hard to eradicate.
because they make a very distinguishing click