The people of the Paleolithic Era were nomadic, which means that they moved where the food supply was plenty. Because of this, they lived without states and organized governments. Also, they lived without towns as well. We don't see a development of any sort of government until the later Neolithic Era, as the population grew tremendously.
in cities
Most people who lived in Pennsylvania in colonial times were from England, looking to find a new, better life. The reason they came to the 13 colonies was because of religious reasons, mostly.
They lived in the areas invaded by the Union armies. They don't belonged to the regular Confederate units but to the State's Militia or Home Guard and many times to the place's own populace. The name was first given by the Unionist to people fighting a sort of guerrilla warfare, but then it was generally given to call such an unfair way of fighting.
Like those movies about native Americans thats how they lived
Don't know, try something els
It is estimated that around 400 million people lived in the world in the 1500s. Population numbers and estimates can vary due to limited records from that time period.
There were no Police force in the 1500s but there were most probably some kind of Neighbourhood watch or some sort of thing like that.
If you mean native people back in the 1500s, they were of the Ottawa tribes, along with the Iroquois and the Algonquins.
people who lived in London city
Your mom makes curried lentils.
Mostly aboriginals and british people.
The Lakota tribe lived in the 1500s to the late 1800s.
There were no Baptists before the 1500s. The first Baptist church was in 1609.
i think it was sort of harsh anh hi peter and harsh
they lived by the ocean in Maine and sevived on deer and other animals of sort
haha do you acctualy think i no that answer hahahahhaha